Ethereum Basics

Learn the basics of Ethereum, from gas fees to NFTs

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The essential crypto and DeFi reading list

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The best resources on Ethereum scaling

Our favourite guides for all knowledge levels

What is staking?

Strengthening the network by locking in your cryptocurrency or tokens long-term to earn rewards.

What is cryptocurrency?

Cutting through the jargon to explain the basics of cryptocurrency

What is Ethereum?

A global, distributed, open-source blockchain, accessible for anyone, anywhere.

What is blockchain?

An introduction into how blockchains work and why they're so revolutionary

What are Ethereum smart contracts?

A guide on how smart contracts work and why they're useful

What is Ethereum 2.0?

An exciting upgrade to the Ethereum blockchain improving scalability, sustainability and security!

What is Layer 2 on Ethereum?

Enjoy cheaper fees (gas) and faster transactions as Ethereum scales

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