We're excited to launch the Argent Xplorer campaign on Starknet. 8 NFT drops over the next 8 weeks. Check this page for the latest updates, links and eligibility criteria for each week.
Week 8 - Dappland
In this final week we're asking you to Xplore Dappland - where you can discover the best dapps on Starknet.
Use https://www.dappland.com to rate at least one dapp with your Argent X wallet, between 1st April 2023 and 23:59 UTC July 4th 2023. (see update below)
To ensure your rating went through, refresh the dapp page and check to see if your star rating remains. And make sure you're connected to your wallet.
UPDATE - Extension
Due to issues on the first day, you will now have until 23:59 UTC July 4th 2023.
The claiming period for week 8’s Xplorer NFT are split into two batches.
- Batch 1 began on Thursday 30th June, this is for those who successfully rated a dapp on dappland before 23:59 UTC June 29th.
- Batch 2 will be available to mint at midday UTC 5th July. This is for those who rated a dapp between 29th June and 23:59 UTC July 4th.

Claim Week 8 Xplorer NFT
Mint is open - you'll have one year to claim. No rush.
Week 7 - AVNU
This week we're partnering with AVNU, a DEX aggregator on Starknet.
Use https://app.avnu.fi/ to perform a swap using your Argent X wallet on Starknet mainnet between May 1st 2023 and 23:59 UTC June 21st 2023 (see update below).
This can be ANY amount, ANY token pair and ANY route, but you must go through the AVNU website.
UPDATE - Extension
Due to extreme congestion on Starknet, you will have until the day of the Starknet 0.12.1 (Quantum leap) upgrade to complete the AVNU task. We don't know exactly when the upgrade will happen, but it will be in July. Stay tuned for more announcements.
In order to be eligible for week 7’s NFT, you need to complete a swap on AVNU before the 0.12.1 upgrade.
The claiming period for week 7’s Xplorer NFT will be split into two batches:
- Batch 1 begins on Thursday 22nd, this is for those who are able to complete a swap on AVNU before 23:59 UTC Wednesday 21st June.
- Batch 2 will be available to mint the day after the Starknet 0.12.1 upgrade, this is for those who complete a swap on AVNU between 00:00 UTC Thursday 22nd June and the day of Starknet 0.12.1 upgrade in July.

Claim Week 7 Xplorer NFT
Mint is open - you'll have one year to claim. No rush.
Week 6 - Briq
This week we're partnering with briq, the NFT construction protocol.
Use https://briq.construction/builder?xplorer=true to build and mint a briq set with 30 briqs or more on Starknet mainnet between June 6th 2023 and 11:59 AM UTC June 14th 2023. You can follow the instructions on the briq builder to mint a briq Xplorer character OR build and mint anything you want with 30 briqs or more.
UPDATE: Due to huge demand, the price of briqs became too high, so we've reduced the requirement to 10 briqs, not 30.

Claim Week 6 Xplorer NFT
Mint is open - you'll have one year to claim. No rush.
Week 5 - Layerswap
This week we're partnering with Layerswap, a platform that allows you to move crypto easily and cheaply across exchanges, blockchains and wallets.
Use https://www.layerswap.io to send funds to your Argent X wallet on Starknet mainnet between 1 April 2023 and 23:59 UTC 6 June 2023. You can send any amount, from any of the supported exchanges or networks.
How to guide: Using Layerswap to send to your Argent X wallet

Claim Week 5 Xplorer NFT
Mint is open - you'll have one year to claim. No rush.
Week 4 - Mintsquare
This week we're partnering with Mintsquare - an NFT marketplace on Starknet.
Buy, sell OR mint an NFT on Mintsquare.io on Starknet mainnet using your Argent X wallet, between 1st April 2023 and 30th May, 23:59 UTC. You do not need to do all three!
Update We've extended the criteria this week to anyone who has minted ANY of their Xplorer NFTs from week 1 to week 3, before 30th May, 23:59 UTC.

Claim Week 4 Xplorer NFT
Mint is open - you'll have one year to claim. No rush.
Week 3 - Jediswap
This week we're partnering with JediSwap - a leading AMM on Starknet.
Perform a swap (any amount) using Jediswap with your Argent X wallet between 1st April 2023 and 23:59 UTC 23rd May 2023.
You can do this within your Argent X wallet as we have integrated Jediswap, or on JediSwap dapp directly: https://app.jediswap.xyz/#/swap
Warning: Avoid swapping DAI as the slippage is high.

Claim Week 3 Xplorer NFT
Mint is open - you'll have one year to claim. No rush.
Week 2 - Starkfighter
This week we're partnering with Starknet.ID team who recently launched the StarkFighter game.
Submit any score on starkfighter.xyz by signing a message in your Argent X wallet, before 23:59 UTC 16th May 2023 OR Mint a starknet.id domain or subdomain from your Argent X wallet between 1st April 2023 and 23:59 UTC 16th May 2023
Note: You can mint a FREE xplorer.stark subdomain here: https://xplorer.starknet.id until 23:59 UTC 16th May 2023

Claim Week 2 Xplorer NFT
Mint is open - you'll have one year to claim. No rush.
Week 1 - Argent Xplorer
The first task in this campaign is to get yourself set up with an Argent X extension wallet and fund it. Then go explore!
Perform a transaction using your Argent X wallet between 1st April 2023 and 23:59 UTC 11th May 2023 OR rated a dapp on Dappland between 1st April 2023 and 23:59 UTC 11th May 2023

Claim Week 1 Xplorer NFT
Mint is open - you'll have one year to claim. No rush.
More weeks will follow as we announce on Discord and Twitter.